

Hi! My name is Samarth, and i go by the pen name of roeqin.

As an artist, i have been working with the format of sequential art and comics for the last 4 years. Stories have been a method of interpretation, a method of sense-making which allows me to observe and connect the dots in the world around me. The process of building visual narratives brings me closer to the ecologies and societies that i inhabit.

As an arts-educator, i facilitate workshops in comics and visual storytelling for children. Through this work, i encourage children to think critically, imaginatively and to observe the world closely. We work together to perceive the world around us, interpreting it through drawing and art and weaving these visuals together into stories.

I have worked in the development sector for 3 years, specifically in education, integrating visual narratives into secondary school programs and working with content and curriculum design. I continue to work in the capacity of a graphic narrativist, assisting organisations to bring contextual visual narratives into their programs, to make their content relevant and accessible.

Reach out!

Email me at [email protected]
Find me on Instagram.
I also occasionaly use LinkedIn.